Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Spot of bother!

Yey! its gone, well, at least for now, don't have to worry about the exams or stressing myself over the modules. didn't know i did pretty well to be exempted the whole year, maybe i have been rather nice this semester? well,at least nice to my standards. hmmm, i realized now, i'm on holidays! woohoo! do i missed KL? yes. do i want to go back, erkk, NO, at least not for now. i guess its social planning for the holidays. maybe i should get some(more) winter clothing, the one that i have are rather binding, its hard to mix n match (my vain part getting along well,oh yea). i think i'll do that, i must have a theme for this holidays. i'm thinking red! Ohh, i wanna call 'fucking criminal', i'm imagining scruffy meet edgy. ok, project time! right bitches and SOBes, take care now, oh, and i like that new hairdo, its minimalist in a j'adore kind of presentation. laterz crazy beautiful!
*this post are intentionally composed to sound stupid and pointless.. what?? i can be stupid at times you see, and i'm good at being one! and i just would like to add, Britney looses her mind, thinking of everyone want a piece of her? yea, lets see her transition to a delirious clown*

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